Thursday, May 17, 2012

Concept of Ethical Hacking

The Art of exploring various security breaches is termed as Hacking.

 Hacking has a lot of meanings depending upon the persons knowledge and his work       
   intentions. Hacking is an Art as well as a Skill.

 Hacking is the knowledge by which one gets to achieve his Goals, anyhow, using his Skills      

    and Power.

 Most people associate Hacking with breaking law, therefore calling all those guys who    
    engage in hacking activities to be criminals. We agree that there are people out there who
    use hacking techniques to break the law.

 But, hacking is not really about that. In fact, hacking is more about following the law and   
    performing the steps within the limits...
A Hacker is a person who is interested in the working of any computer Operating    
Types of Hackers :
                                  White Hat Hacker

A White Hat Hacker is computer guy who perform Ethical Hacking and use this knowledge to locate security weaknesses and implement counter measures in the resources. 

  Black Hat Hacker (Criminals Hacker)

A Black Hat Hacker is computer guy who performs Unethical Hacking and break into or otherwise violate the system integrity of remote machines, with malicious intent. 3) Grey Hat Hacker A Grey Hat Hacker is a Computer guy who sometimes acts legally, sometimes in good will, and sometimes not.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking is testing the resources for a good cause and for the betterment of technology . Technically Ethical Hacking means penetration testing which is focused on Securing and Protecting IT Systems.

Working of hackers

  Hackers perform thier task in 5 steps (phase) :

Phase I: Reconnaissance

Reconnaissance can be described as the pre-attack phase and is a systematic attempt to locate, gather, identify and record information about the target.

Phase II: Scanning and Enumeration

Scanning and enumeration is considered the second pre-attack phase. This phase involves taking the information discovered during reconnaissance and using it to examine the network.

Phase III: Gaining Access

This is the phase where the real hacking takes place. Vulnerabilities discovered during the reconnaissance and scanning phase are now exploited to gain access.

Phase IV: Maintaining Access and Placing Backdoors

Once a Hacker has gained access, they want to keep that access for future exploitation and attacks. Sometimes, Hackers harden the system from other Hackers or security personnel by securing their exclusive access.

Phase V: Clearing Tracks

In this phase, once Hackers have been able to gain and maintain access, they cover their tracks to avoid detection by security personnel, to continue to use the owned system, to remove evidence of hacking, or to avoid legal action.

Prevention from Hackers

Actually nothing can be done to prevent hackers from finding new holes in the software and    
    exploiting them because : It’s impossible to overcome all possible vulnerabilities of your    
    systems. You can’t plan for all possible attacks ....!!


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