Hello friends, today
i am going to explain what is the difference between hacker and cracker.
There are lots of articles on internet about the difference between hackers
and crackers. In those articles authors or publishers often try to
correct the public misconceptions. For many years, media has erroneously used
the hacker word with a cracker. So the general public now believes
hacker is someone who breaks into computer systems,hack passwords,
websites and misuse them. But this is absolutely untrue and it demoralizes some
of our most talented hackers.
The greatness
of misconception you can determine from the fact that world's biggest authentic
source WIKIPEDIA has defined hackers in a incorrect way. Wikipedia has defined
hackers in the following way...
"Hacking is unauthorized use of computer and network
resources. (The term "hacker" originally meant a very gifted
programmer. In recent years though, with easier access to multiple systems, it
now has negative implications.)"
There is a very thin
line difference between the hacker and cracker. Like a coin has two faces heads
or tails, similar is true for computer experts. Some uses their techniques and
expertize to help the others and secure the systems or networks and some
misuses them and use that for their own selfish reasons.
There are several
traditional ways that determines the difference between the hackers and
crackers. I will provide you these ways in order of their acceptance in the
computer and IT market. First of all, let me provide you the basic
definitions of both hackers and crackers.
These definitions are as follows:
Hackers :
A Hacker is a person who is extremely interested in exploring the things
and recondite workings of any computer system or networking system. Most
often, hackers are the expert programmers. These are also called Ethical
Hackers or white hat hackers. And the technique or hacking they perform is
called ethical hacking.
Hacking Means you think like Hackers. i.e First you Hack the Systems and find
out the loop holes and then try to correct those Loop Holes..These type of
hackers protect the cyberworld from every possible threat and fixes the future
coming security loop holes. These peoples are also called as "GURU's"
of Computer Security.
Crackers: Crackers or Black Hat hackers or
cheaters or simply criminals, they are called criminals because they are having
the mindset of causing harm to security and they steals very useful data and
use it in wrong ways. Phishers also come in this category who steals
account info and steal your credit card nos. and money over the Net.
is the Diagrams which shows the basic difference between cracker or black hat
hackers and Hackers or ethical hackers or white hat hackers.
I hope this will help
you to clear most of your doubts about hackers and crackers. And the most
important thing, until and unless a ethical hacker thinks like a cracker you
can never become a expert ethical hacker because to get most out of any
computer system you must understand the mindset of crackers that what they can
do and up to what level they can damage. Now when you will identify the vulnerabilities
and loopholes , If you fixes them so that in future anyone cannot breach that
same vulnerability then you are Hacker or ethical hacker or White Hat hacker
and if you utilize that loophole of misdeeds or for fun then its cracking or
Black hat hacking. And black hat hackers are intelligent peoples but criminals
or simply cyber cops call them evil genius.
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